i just love it when clients choose me over and over again to photograph their family. i have been the photographer for this family since their oldest was 3 months old! i was just over-the-moon excited when they shared that their family would be expanding and i would get to play a part in that (see it here)
time has just flown by and now it’s lily’s 4 month session. we knew that we wanted to recreate this image from big sister’s 3 month session with lily since i still owned that same quilt and mom still had that same bow. she’s planning on doing a gallery wall and it’s going to look so cute when it’s done.
for this session, mom also wanted to do a little outdoor bubble bath fun and i just happened to have the most perfect galvanized tub! lily was just a little too small for it though so we didn’t get very many with her in the tub…but big sister absolutely LOVED it and completely stole the show … it was soooo cute! i’m definitely going to have to do the tub sessions again in the future!
i told her last night that every session i do with her babies is my new favorite session. i truly don’t know how we are going to top this one!
and these were taken at the same location as the pregnancy reveal session here and lucy’s 6 month session. i love getting these little sunflower sessions every year because i know that will look so great when showcasing past sessions with new sessions to create a gallery wall.
i’m pretty sure that we got that pouty face in the image above when mom was telling her that it was time to get out and go home. so pitiful
i’m already counting down to when we get to do lily’s next session. it’s just crazy how fast they grow and how much they’ve already changed since lily’s newborn session.
if you want to see all of the images from this session, just click here