this is part 1 of kristin’s maternity session…it is creeping up on her due date and we’ve yet to be able to do part 2 due to the unpredictable weather we’ve been having in clarksville lately… we just happened to get these taken one day after i got off of work
mr. easton will be here before we know it!
we had some amazing light and were able to get some great all-natural sun flare
i just love this one!
i just love her little mustache necklace 🙂 …they had a mustache themed baby shower for their sweet baby boy
always love the little heart on the belly…so much love for baby easton
if you would like to see all the images from this session, click here
i tend to keep the j. photography facebook page more updated, so if you would like to see my sessions as soon as they go up, just click “like” on the j. photography facebook page.