i absolutely love the pictures that resulted from this session….originally, we were going to do a full session at rotary park. but the wind surely did move in and boy was it a cold wind….so we didn’t stay out there too long. we ended up going back to their house and got some great shots of maddy falling asleep on daddy’s shoulder. we were also able to get some neat photos for Christmas presents for some of their family.
this was a really cute idea that jordan had….jordan’s mother made these quilts for all of her girls and this photo was going to be a little Christmas gift to her mother
just loved this picture! she can conquer the world on her daddy’s shoulders!
boy did she want to move around that day…. just did not want to sit still and it sure did make for a cute shot
when we had to come in due to that cold wind, sweet baby girl would not be put down, she was so tired and just wanted to be held and take a quick nap on daddy’s shoulder…..just so sweet
i think she looks like a precious little doll in this picture with her little feet sticking out
i just can’t get enough of her facial expressions….i could shoot this little face all day long
this is one of the neat shots that i mentioned in the beginning of this post….this was jordan’s idea for a unique Christmas gift for her mother-in-law…..that photo maddy is looking at is a photo of her great great grandmother (on her daddy’s side) who looks exactly like maddy….such a neat idea!
i absolutely LOVE these last two shots…..close-ups just always end up being my favorites. i hope that you will go to my facebook page and check out the rest of this session album. i just love to read your comments and new likes to my page just send me over the moon so if you get a chance….hop on over!!!