this couple! they were an absolute joy to photograph and it doesn’t take long to see how great they are together. we had such a great time shooting their engagement session at my sister’s mansion apartment (i like to call it “katie’s castle”). just a little background, alicia and i went to high school together in west tennessee and had not seen each other since graduation. we connected via facebook a few months back and alicia saw some of my photography work. she messaged me and let me know that she was getting married soon and wanted to see if i would be able to shoot their engagement photos. they didn’t need me for the wedding since they are getting married somewhere pretty amazing if you ask me (i’m not sure if it’s a secret or not so my lips are sealed), but i am honored that she asked me to take the engagement photos. below are just a few of my favorites from the session and if you want to see all of the images from their session, just click on the link at the end of this post.
i just love this beautiful gravel driveway. just perfect!
alicia’s eyes are just stunning! just the prettiest blue….is it weird to say that i hope their future children have her eyes? because i totally do
they are just so cute!
just look at that beautiful ivy covered brick! so. dreamy! and i always get a little jealous that my sister gets to live here whenever i come to visit.
i just love her engagement ring…i was practically drooling over it! just the classic perfect size and shape.
i hope you enjoyed this session as much as i do! it’s definitely on my list of favorites